The set "Coral Moss" is presented by a necklace, bracelet, earrings and a ring.
These jewelry pieces are bright and look very effective and rich. They are an ideal choice to match your evening gown. There is no doubt, you`ll look gorgeous.
If you wish I can make the same set but of other chip stones (amethyst, garnet, brown sand stone chips).
The set is made of qualitative Czech seed beads and coral chips.
The length of the necklace is 46 cm (18`), the width 3 cm (1.2`).
The length of the bracelet is 18 cm (7`), the width 3 cm (1.2`).
The length of the earrings is 4 cm (1,6`).
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Рада Вас вітати на сторінках свого блогу, присвяченому бісерній творчості, а саме бісерній біжутерії. Прикраси - це деталь, здатна не лише доповнити Ваш образ, але й підкреслити Вашу чарівність та красу. Буду рада допомогти виглядати елегантно та стильно, вишукано та яскраво з допомогою прикрас з бісеру. Виготовляю прикраси на замовлення з врахуванням усіх побажань замовниць. Visit my etsy shop
неділя, 31 травня 2015 р.
Комплект "Зелена змійка"/ set "Green Snake"
Snake`s skin pattern is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for creation of something really beautiful and stunning.
My "Green snake" set is a combination of the hues of my favorite green colour together with black and golden.
The set consists of a necklace, earrings and a bracelet. The length of the necklace is 46cm (18`), chain for length regulation 7cm (2,8`). The bracelet is of universal size due to a memory wire inside it.
These jewelry set is made of qualitative Check Ornela Preciosa and crystals.
I can make a copy of the set of any other colour you like.
Snake`s skin pattern is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for creation of something really beautiful and stunning.
My "Green snake" set is a combination of the hues of my favorite green colour together with black and golden.
The set consists of a necklace, earrings and a bracelet. The length of the necklace is 46cm (18`), chain for length regulation 7cm (2,8`). The bracelet is of universal size due to a memory wire inside it.
These jewelry set is made of qualitative Check Ornela Preciosa and crystals.
I can make a copy of the set of any other colour you like.
Send worldwide. Visit my etsy store
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. бісер,
bead rope,
exclusive design,
for women,
Precioza Ornela,
seed beads,
snake print
середа, 27 травня 2015 р.
Намисто "Мілен" для вишуканих та сміливих любительок декольтованих суконью Неперевершений та елегантний вигляд гарантовано!
Колір можна обрати інший.
Біла "Міленка" доповнить образ нареченої.
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The necklace "Milen" is an ideal jewelry for decollete evening dresses. It will underline your beautiful neck. It will help you to look really gorgeous.
Such a necklace, but white can be worn as a wedding jewelry by a bride. It can be done of materials of other color.
As I will make it specially for you the exact length can not be mentioned. The necklace should stick to the neck.
To create this beadwork I`ve used four types of Ornela Preciosa crystal beads: roundelle 4mm, 6mm, 8mm and drops, Ornela Preciosa seed beads №10.
Black "Milen" will perfectly complement your Halloween image.
Колір можна обрати інший.
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The necklace "Milen" is an ideal jewelry for decollete evening dresses. It will underline your beautiful neck. It will help you to look really gorgeous.
Such a necklace, but white can be worn as a wedding jewelry by a bride. It can be done of materials of other color.
As I will make it specially for you the exact length can not be mentioned. The necklace should stick to the neck.
To create this beadwork I`ve used four types of Ornela Preciosa crystal beads: roundelle 4mm, 6mm, 8mm and drops, Ornela Preciosa seed beads №10.
Black "Milen" will perfectly complement your Halloween image.
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неділя, 24 травня 2015 р.
Намисто "Blue shine"
Стильне синеньке намисто з сріблястими кінцями якраз саме те, що ви шукаєте на літо. Якісна рубка додає прикрасі неймовірного блиску та ефектності. Цей бісерний витвір можна носити ще й як браслет, намотавши на руку в декілька рядів, а ще це може бити делікатним та витонченим пояском.
Можливе виконання в іншій кольоровій гамі.
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A stylish blue necklace with silver endings is the very jewelry you looking for to wear in summer. Qualitative two cut beads gives the item incredible shine and attractiveness. This beaded creation can be worn as a bracelet as well as a delicate belt.
I can make the same item specially for you even of other color.
Made to order
Можливе виконання в іншій кольоровій гамі.
Виконаю під замовлення.
A stylish blue necklace with silver endings is the very jewelry you looking for to wear in summer. Qualitative two cut beads gives the item incredible shine and attractiveness. This beaded creation can be worn as a bracelet as well as a delicate belt.
I can make the same item specially for you even of other color.
Made to order
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